Dating back to 1885, Felixstowe Methodist Church @ Trinity is located in the very centre of Felixstowe, on the main shopping street. Its location is ideal for a variety of community engagement events that make use of the large building and proximity to the town centre. These events include a monthly, evening Folk Café as well as Tuesday Tunes which provides music and light refreshments for visitors over lunchtime for a ten week session, over the winter months (January to March). There is also Open 4 U, a term-time group for pre-school children and their parents/carers, a Thursday Coffee Morning, a weekly Hobbies Group and the venue for Trinity Players, an amateur drama group (based at Felixstowe Methodist Church @ Trinity) raising money for various charities. The premises are used by a variety of external organisations. Trinity is also the base for Felixstowe Town Pastors, an ecumenical group who go out on the streets of Felixstowe on some Saturday nights to talk to, and assist, anyone using the various night-time economy venues
Booking our premises
Our premises are available for private hire; whether it’s a one-off event or a regular let. Please get in touch here.

Currently Trinity and Seaton Road are registered Fairtrade but we are working towards all locations of Felixstowe Methodist Church being Fairtrade.