We work with various other Churches and Organisations in Felixstowe.
Churches Together in Felixstowe
We are members of Churches Together in Felixstowe and are represented on their Forum. CTiF supports various local initiatives including Hope Trust, Boost, Walton Parish Nursing, CAP (Christians Against Poverty) and The Compass. They also organise events such as Praise on the Prom in the summer as well as Advent and Lent ecumenical courses. CTiF sends out a monthly newsletter publicising events and services across the Felixstowe and local area.
Ecumenical links
We have some strong ecumenical links including the Churches in the Walton area, especially around Walton Parish Nursing and, in the past, joint Bible Study courses. There is also a strong link with the United Reformed Church in the town, holding joint services on a regular basis. Kirton also has links with the local Parish Church with specific events such as the Palm Sunday procession between the two churches.
Other local charities and organisations
A number of our members are also involved in other local charities. For example, we have a strong presence on the local Christian Aid Committee, members working with Felixstowe Town Pastors, Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum, Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns, and Level Two Youth Project amongst others.