One Church – four locations

Comment 8…

Living in a time of change

  1. How is Felixstowe Methodist Church going to cope with maintaining a presence in four locations in and around Felixstowe?

    Do we need a ‘Vision 24’  type document to refine our vision/define our priorities? Do we need a paid ‘Lay Worker’ to help us realise our vision?

    I think FMC will find it increasingly difficult to maintain a presence in the four locations in and around Felixstowe.  Support for each other in the four locations is growing and good, but numbers are dwindling not growing.  Should we have just one location where we can all thrive? The exact location would be difficult to decide and no doubt cause heartache, including myself.  Should Trinity be the focus as it is a central position.  Are the buildings or the people the important thing? Location is important.

    A Vision 24 type document would be helpful to redefine our priorities.  Finding these priorities are a top priority.  Should there be frequent opportunity over, say, the next six months, to talk about the priorities.  Opinions will vary.  Time is of the essence.  If, say, a large building/renovation project is the way ahead then this needs to happen soon while we have the energy and people to drive forward.  Would a Lay Worker be appropriate if we did want a building/renovation project to employ someone with expertise in driving this type of project forward.
  2. If our membership declines, so will our income, then what? Can we find ways of saving money? Installing insulation to reduce our heating bills? Installing secondary glazing to reduce heat loss? Worshipping together on Sundays rather than in two places at the same time.

    Doubtless there are ways of saving money by reducing our heating bills, but is this going to increase our membership? Worshipping together on Sundays will be one way ahead.  We would need a good taxi service to ensure folk can attend. 
  3. How do we move away from using gas and oil to heat our church buildings? Where are we going to find the money from to do so?

    Do we just have one church building to look after. It would be easier to maintain one building with good insulation, etc and attain the Net Zero target by 2030.

    However energy would be used by ferrying people about by car!!
  4. Do we need four buildings in order to do our work?

    Do we need to make a decision to start again: This would mean selling the existing properties and building a new place of worship with community facilities to sustainable ‘eco’ standards.  Would that be a better legacy for us to leave to future generations?

Yes, I think we need to completely rethink where we are going, not just firefight and put plasters on all the current buildings.  This is a huge discussion point.  If any change is going to happen, we need to get on with it.

At the moment my thoughts are (these may well change!) to sell off some of Trinity. Affordable flats, businesses.

Refurbish the sanctuary area to become a multi purpose community area, with a sanctuary for worship.Employ a lay worker to run a café.  Be open every day.

Before anything happens we will need to have facts and figures and work out how much would it cost to achieve Net Zero Carbon footprint in Trinity, Kirton, Seaton Road and Trimley by 2030. This would be a good place to start from……

I am looking forward to moving any ideas forward.  Let’s start talking and praying together about this important way forward SOON..