I have been worshipping at Trinity Methodist Church for over forty years, and as you might expect, the church holds a special place in my heart.
Over these 40+ years there have been many changes to the church building including the removal of the pews and lectern and changes to the sanctuary area. When each of these changes occurred, several members of the congregation were against the change but I believe that most now see that the change was a good thing.
Now that the four churches in Felixstowe have united as the Felixstowe Methodist Church, it is clear that we are facing further changes affected by the shortage of ministers, declining congregations, declining income, increasing overheads for the buildings and less fit and able people to carry out duties.
With this in mind, it would seem to be sensible to dispose of one or more of our church buildings. However, there are going to be people who love their church like I do Trinity and will be very much against the closure of their church. I therefore believe that the fairest way to proceed, and to best serve God’s purpose in our town, is to sell all five buildings and build a new eco church. I think a town centre location would enable us to best serve our community and a potential site could be in St Andrews Road where Norsk Antiques once stood.
| was reminded during the covid lockdowns that God’s church is his people and not bricks and stones. Our church still functioned despite the buildings being closed. I believe our church buildings are not environmentally friendly and their overheads will be an increasing drain on our resources. I believe a new eco friendly church is the best way forward and will enable us to free up resources to best serve God’s will in our community.