One Church – four locations

Comment 18…

We both think that you all do an incredible amount of work for outreach , but what worries us is where do you get spiritual food from, to recharge . We have in the past rushed around doing Gods work thinking this is what he or she wants , and it must be doing good because we are so busy,  and it almost becomes a need .  but you tire and realize you are doing it in your own strength and not the Holy Spirits . So a major factor in your work is time to recharge , in group prayer time , single prayer time , and relaxation. Also is  God , the church benefitting from what we are doing or are there other ways of reaching out .

this leads us on to a new minister , as our outreach and mission work is so good and strong ,do we need a minister to set us on fire or do we need a cornerstone [ could be a good title for a hymn ]  in other words, a minister who looks after the family of the Church , who Stewards and congregation can go to for spiritual guidance and advice and prayer , a steady rock,  possible someone older near retirement who has done and seen it all , but is charged with the Holy Spirit . Also they will understand the needs of an aging congregation . Who also, for new members feels solid as the Church grows

This leads on to Home Church , we feel the main Church of the 4 should be Trinity  , All Christians need a home Church where you feel safe and secure and close to God , that is the problem with services in different Churches every week , especially for new Christians where it is vitally important to have a continuity of service and growth , which is found in a home Church  a service in trinity every week will give continuity

Which leads to how? , URC must be struggling so maybe a joint church for both  congregations , easing financial pressures on both churches

If we had to lose a church for me it would be Trimly as this would be the easiest to sell and convert into a house , and possibly Trimley congregation joining with the C  of E church in trimly again Church sharing

Seaton road could sell its church and move back to the old Church and make it a community space plus Church. Which by cutting down one church means more regular services can be held in the other Churches we hope you don’t mind these comments , as we are just so close to being an “alive” church , I hope the day is full of good idea’s which are fuelled by the holy😇 spirit out prayers will be with you all .