One Church – four locations

Comment 17…

[Comments given to a third party] Basically she had been a bit shocked when at one of the earlier Tuesday Tunes Abe had said a prayer at the end and some of the folk club people had felt a bit hijacked. However they feel we need to promote our Christian aims and values more particularly as they feel there are some who take advantage of our hospitality and could afford to be more generous in their giving.

Two suggestions were to have a more prominent donation box rather than the flower pots we use at Trinity and secondly they find the card “Methodist Way of Life” really helpful and wondered if we could have these on every table on Thursday coffee mornings, and on Tuesdays at Tuesday Tunes/Kirton Garden Cafe

Worship: their suggestion was to include the congregation more, possibly doing some singing in rounds and as they attend Well in the Week they liked the reminder that Worship was not for Sundays only. Finally for them, due to medical factors, 10.00am was just too early, particularly when the service is at Trinity as they have further to travel  and they wondered about a compromise of 10.30am?