Just to add a little to the post below (Comment number 11)…. We must be careful that we don’t see ourselves in competition with other denominations in the town and surrounding areas – much better to work on co-operation as we are all seeking the same goal – to share God’s love in our community. We should also remember all the things that we already do in terms of outreach and mission. Mention above is made about some of the areas in the town where there is opportunity to be involved:
- Schools – we already have a long-standing and excellent relationship with both Fairfield and Colneis – going in monthly to lead assembly in both schools through Open the Book.
- CAP, Parish Nursing – we already have volunteers and trustees working within these groups.
- Mission to Seafarers – this is now a Methodist based charity – discussions are currently starting to see how we might work closer together, both within our own Church and within the Circuit.
- Christian Aid – the majority of the Christian Aid committee is made up of Methodist folk (including the chair).
- Fairtrade – again several Methodists are on the Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum committee (including the Chair and Vice-Chair).
- Climate Justice – obviously, we have our Climate Justice group which now includes members from the URC (other denominations have also attended from time to time). We have 3 members on the Ipswich Circuit Climate Action Group. We are also involved in the Town Council green initiative.
- Town Pastors – we have Methodists involved in this as Base Prayers and Home Prayers. Some having been involved since the inception of Town Pastors in Felixstowe 14 years ago.
Ecumenically, we have recently welcomed the two local URC Ministers as Associate Ministers in the Methodist Church and we continue to seek to work more closely with our URC friends. Also, through the links mentioned above, we work hand-in-hand with others from different denominations. Many of our outreach events (such as Tuesday Tunes and Kirton Garden Café) are well supported, and enjoyed, by folk from other denominations.