Thinking of a new purpose built building needs caution.
1. It ought to be an attractive building that creates a sense of God being present, not something that is cheap to construct and looks slightly cheap.
2. There are some abandoned shops but if you are thinking of converting one of these, it would need care so that it didn’t still resemble an abandoned shop.
3. Selling a site like Trinity may trigger a preservation order allowing the building to be used for other purposes but not to be demolished. Realistically, any funds you are hoping for from such an action may not be acquired within the timescales of construction/ conversion of a building that will serve as the single location.
4. Logistics. Especially closure sequence and new premises up and ready. It needs a view on that interim period when you haven’t quite got the new place ready but gave started its development. I am not sure whether you are intending to borrow money for the new place whilst not realising any funds from sales of existing buildings or whether you are going to try to fund the new by selling some buildings first. It needs some clarification.