One Church – four locations

Comment 10…

I think there are many positive things happening in our church and sometimes they can be forgotten when only the negatives are discussed. We are also working well together on events in the church buildings and on our Outreach.

To name a few:  

Shared Services

Open the Book

Trimley Red Devils

Coffee Mornings

Tuesday Tunes

Fund Raising Events

Well in the Week and so the list can go on.

I’m requesting that at our Open Day we discuss improving the small kitchen in Trinity. The biggest outreach event providing warmth, food, entertainment and companionship happens at Tuesday Tunes. We really need to have a proper work surface and storage facilities, both for hygiene and for easing the burden on the volunteers. With an improvement we could perhaps expand its use. 

The positive comments received from members of the public who attend TT’s are excellent.

 The Shared Lunches, again working together, have been well attended and enjoyed by all. Perhaps we could have a summer one in Trinity, thus using our big kitchen and hall.

The recent Pensioners Fair had well over 200 people attending. My thought about this is that the really lovely girl in the kitchen had no idea about food hygiene and safe use of the kitchen which is why I stayed for the duration.

I’d also like to thank all the stewards and group leaders for their hard work.