There is an Ecumenical Lent Course being held across various venues in Felixstowe, including Felixstowe Methodist Church @ Seaton Road. The course is based upon the film ‘Chocolat’. Please see below for details.
There is an Ecumenical Lent Course being held across various venues in Felixstowe, including Felixstowe Methodist Church @ Seaton Road. The course is based upon the film ‘Chocolat’. Please see below for details.
Walton Parish Nursing is taking part in this Fair – why not go along and say “hello”.
There are two World Day of Prayer services taking place on the Felixstowe peninsula: Both on Friday 1st March. One at St Mary’s Walton, starting at 2pm (see poster below) and the other being held at Kirton Methodist Chapel, starting at 2.30pm.
Blog, Church Statements, Environment · 22 September, 2023 In response to the Prime Minister’s announcement on net zero policies, the following joint statement has been issued by the Baptist Union of Great Britain, The Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church. We are dismayed that the Prime Minister is delaying the implementation of policies to achieve net zero. As Christian leaders we are deeply committed to encouraging…