One Church – four locations

Posts by Robin Pattinson (Page 3)

Comment 16…

I have always been of the opinion that a new building is the only way we can all share and have a new start as “One Church” with no reference to the past or how things used to be done at …? Not a view I have ever considered the cost implications of etc or…

Comment 15…

Just to add a little to the post below (Comment number 11)…. We must be careful that we don’t see ourselves in competition with other denominations in the town and surrounding areas – much better to work on co-operation as we are all seeking the same goal – to share God’s love in our community.…

Comment 14…

Thinking of a new purpose built building needs caution.1. It ought to be an attractive building that creates a sense of God being present, not something that is cheap to construct and looks slightly cheap.2. There are some abandoned shops but if you are thinking of converting one of these, it would need care so…

Comment 13…

The mention of Baptisms and Confirmations was mentioned in the other comments.When i went to Ireland for a family reunion in 2019 we went on confirmation weekend. Baptism and confirmation is a massive event in Kildare. Hotels get booked many months in advance and private celebrations in restaurants is huge. Its a really big event.…

Comment 12…

I am new so my comments are only from my short time with the Church.One of your biggest resources is Kirton Chapel. So many ways this could be used. Many dis-used churches have used their facilities for over night indoor camp facilities for cyclists and walkers. This is really popular and does bring in an…

Comment 10…

I think there are many positive things happening in our church and sometimes they can be forgotten when only the negatives are discussed. We are also working well together on events in the church buildings and on our Outreach. To name a few:   Shared Services Open the Book Trimley Red Devils Coffee Mornings Tuesday Tunes…

Comment 9…

There’s the old story about a stranger asking a local farmer for directions to a particular place – the response came “Well, if I was you, I wouldn’t start from here!”However, as Felixstowe Methodist Church “we are where we are” at the moment and looking back to when things used to be somewhat different doesn’t…